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1830 Gainsborough Rd
London, ON, N6H 5L2


London Ontario Bird Feeders, Bird Seed, and Gift store. We carry dog food & toys, bird houses, Squirrel Busters, candles, Batty's Bath, Bee by the Sea, and so much more. Come in and check us out! 


Bird Feeders, Bird Seed, and Gift Shop located in London! Follow along with our News from the Store!

Hummingbird Greeting on this Thursday

Richelle Hunter

It was a cool start to the day , but we were greeted with some glorious sunshine.....and several visits by this truly amazing creature - Ruby-throated Hummingbird!! It's rather unbelievable when you think of how far these tiny creatures travel. Give them a hand and watch them up close with a window nectar feeder. A rather fabulous way to start the day - so very precious!! (We've got many other nectar feeders too....for both Hummingbirds & Orioles!)

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