Rain brings out the Beautiful Birds!
Richelle Hunter
While it seems we've had more rain recently than what we probably need, we love welcoming the beautiful birds that arrive at the feeders during the rain or following. The past few days have been no exception!! Featured here, the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Cardinals, Downy & Red-bellied Woodpeckers have been busy getting their fill while the Baltimore Orioles, House Finches & Hummingbirds are also frequent visitors....All are providing some splendid entertainment in the garden. All are providing an extra burst of colour on a dull day!!
Red-bellied Woodpecker & Downy Woodpecker lovin' the peanuts; Rose-breasted Grosbeak lovin' the safflower; Mr & Mrs Cardinal lovin' each other ~ Priceless!
More Cardinal love on the Safflower Feeder
Mrs Cardinal ready for more sharing from Mr Cardinal