Orioles, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Indigo Buntings....All in the Area!
Richelle Hunter
Our ornamental pear trees are bursting with blooms (one of the first landing spots for the Orioles)...Our feeders are cleaned & placed in our garden....
So delighted to hear from various customers that they have had Orchard Orioles, Baltimore Orioles, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and Indigo Buntings in their yards & gardens!! An Indigo Bunting & Orchard Oriole were spotted in the St. Thomas/Port Stanley area; a Rose-breasted Grosbeak in London and Baltimore Orioles in the Strathroy area as well as Stratford/St. Mary's!! Baltimore Orioles also reported in Chatham-Kent. It really is the most wonderful time of the year...just waiting to hear about Hummingbirds! Make sure your garden is ready for all these beauties ~ Orioles adore grape jelly along with nectar & oranges; Rose-breasted Grosbeaks love Safflower along with Black Oil Sunflower; Indigo Buntings spend lots of time on feeders filled with White Millet, also Nyjer Seed; and of course Hummingbirds will be looking for your nectar feeders!! If you have sightings to report, feel free to let us know...Thank YOU!