Not An Oriole but....Look on the Bright Side!!
Richelle Hunter
Some things in the Wildlife Kingdom are pretty amazing! Some wildlife things make us sad. Some things make us a little confused, but isn't it best to look on the bright side when it comes to nature? Earlier this week we noticed a Baltimore Oriole tending to a bird in a nearby tree. Upon further inspection, we thought "it isn't an Oriole fledgling in that tree, but we were certain it was an Oriole that was taking food that way". A quick zoom on our camera answered our questions!! It was indeed an Oriole that visited the spot several times but it was not an Oriole that she was feeding. It's common for Brown-headed Cowbirds to lay an egg in the nest of another species. It was a Brown-headed Cowbird that the Oriole was feeding....a first for us to see this happening with an Oriole. While it upsets some, it does happen and there's nothing we can do about it except maybe....Look on the bright side!!
Brown-headed Cowbird waiting for "Mom" - Baltimore Oriole